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Voter Guide Information 2024

Name: Jason Guidone
Age: 49
City of Residence: Hebron

Political Experience: New to the political arena, Jason Guidoneserved as a Hebron RTC member, and then moved onto Hebron RTC Chair within his first year of service. Guidone brings a fresh perspective and a deep commitment to serving the community. As someone who deeply values integrity, transparency and accountability, Guidone is running for office to use his voice for the people to ensure every resident has the opportunity to succeed.

Why are you running: Connecticut cannot afford to continue under the stranglehold of current Democratic policies. I am running for State Senate to restore our state’s affordability and to bring back common sense. My priorities are clear: I will fight to ensure Connecticut upholds family values, enacts practical legislation, and promotes transparency and accountability in government.
I am focused on protecting our constitutional rights, restoring a fully operational police force to ensure safety in our communities, and defending family values by respecting parents’ rights to make decisions about their children’s healthcare and their involvement in public school curricula. Parents attending Board of Education meetings are not domestic terrorists, and they should not be dismissed by pediatricians during office visits.
Our veterans and seniors should be our top priority—not those illegally crossing our borders, ahead of millions who are following the legal immigration process. I am running to bring back sanity, restore sovereignty, and ensure Connecticut once again works for its people.

What three bills would be your priority this term:
1. HB 6004: An Act Concerning Police Accountability
I strongly oppose holding police officers personally liable for actions taken while performing their duties lawfully. I will fight to restore Qualified Immunity. Police officers face difficult and dangerous situations every day, making split-second decisions to protect our communities. Holding them personally liable for these decisions would not only discourage individuals from entering or remaining in the profession but would also undermine their ability to do their jobs effectively and without fear of personal financial ruin.
When officers act within the law and follow department policies and protocols, they should not be burdened with personal liability. The focus should remain on ensuring proper training, accountability at the department level, and implementing clear, consistent oversight. Making officers personally liable would create hesitation in critical moments, which could jeopardize public safety. We must protect those who protect us, while continuing to hold those who act outside the law accountable through proper legal and professional channels.

2. SB 568: A Bill to Limit School Vaccination Exemptions
This bill ended Religious Vaccine Exemption. I strongly support a parent’s right choose vaccine exemption. As the evidence of vaccine injuries increase, seeking exemptions must be expanded and at a minimum include religious objections for families who oppose them.

3. SB 992: An Act Concerning the Trust Act
This bill prioritizes the protection of criminal aliens over the safety of Connecticut citizens. SB 992 recklessly expands dangerous sanctuary policies, placing law-abiding residents at greater risk of violence and criminal activity. The bill erodespublic safety, as law enforcement would be hamstrung in their ability to act on serious threats within our communities. This is not just bad policy—it's a danger to the people of Connecticut.

When I think about how the above when combined: weakening our police force; sanctuary status for those criminally invading our country, who are also exempt from vaccines, along with Congress and their staffers; an ugly picture begins to form. Perhaps the criminals are in charge.

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© 2024 by GuidoneforSenate2024.

Paid for by Jason Guidone 2024.

Robert Lindeyer, Treasurer.

Approved by Jason Guidone.

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